Finesse on the game over screen.

This commit is contained in:
Randy Thiemann 2023-11-10 22:55:52 +01:00
parent 6953347770
commit f7986f73b2
5 changed files with 224 additions and 185 deletions

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1204,7 +1204,7 @@ ROMX bank #5:
$540f = ClearLines.r_u48 $540f = ClearLines.r_u48
$540f = ClearLines.fixgarbo $540f = ClearLines.fixgarbo
$5412 = ClearLines.fixgarboloop $5412 = ClearLines.fixgarboloop
SECTION: $541c-$6318 ($0efd bytes) ["Gameplay Function Banked"] SECTION: $541c-$6334 ($0f19 bytes) ["Gameplay Function Banked"]
$541c = SwitchToGameplayB $541c = SwitchToGameplayB
$5422 = SwitchToGameplayB.wvr_u1 $5422 = SwitchToGameplayB.wvr_u1
$542b = SwitchToGameplayB.loadtilemap $542b = SwitchToGameplayB.loadtilemap
@ -1668,46 +1668,47 @@ ROMX bank #5:
$616c = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.notempty7_u213 $616c = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.notempty7_u213
$616f = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.skip7_u213 $616f = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.skip7_u213
$6173 = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.gameOverMode $6173 = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.gameOverMode
$619c = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.noretry $618f = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.checkretry
$61a9 = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.pauseMode $61b8 = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.noretry
$61be = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.noqr $61c5 = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.pauseMode
$61d3 = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.nounpause $61da = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.noqr
$621d = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.preRollMode $61ef = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.nounpause
$624c = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.predone $6239 = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.preRollMode
$6262 = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.staysmall $6268 = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.predone
$6278 = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.drawStaticInfo $627e = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.staysmall
$62a9 = DoHold $6294 = GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.drawStaticInfo
$62ad = DoHold.checkIRSA $62c5 = DoHold
$62b4 = DoHold.ldb3 $62c9 = DoHold.checkIRSA
$62c0 = DoHold.lda3 $62d0 = DoHold.ldb3
$62ca = DoHold.cp3 $62dc = DoHold.lda3
$62d8 = DoHold.checkIRSB $62e6 = DoHold.cp3
$62df = DoHold.lda4 $62f4 = DoHold.checkIRSB
$62eb = DoHold.ldb4 $62fb = DoHold.lda4
$62f5 = DoHold.cp4 $6307 = DoHold.ldb4
$6303 = DoHold.noRotation $6311 = DoHold.cp4
$630e = DoHold.doHoldOperation $631f = DoHold.noRotation
SECTION: $6319-$6bae ($0896 bytes) ["Gameplay Static Data"] $632a = DoHold.doHoldOperation
$6319 = sLeftDasSlam SECTION: $6335-$6bca ($0896 bytes) ["Gameplay Static Data"]
$631f = sRightDasSlam $6335 = sLeftDasSlam
$6325 = sLeady $633b = sRightDasSlam
$632f = sGo $6341 = sLeady
$6339 = sPause $634b = sGo
$6361 = sKill $6355 = sPause
$6401 = sYouAreGM $637d = sKill
$6465 = sFinalChallenge $641d = sYouAreGM
$652d = sPieceXOffsets $6481 = sFinalChallenge
$6549 = sPieceYOffsets $6549 = sPieceXOffsets
$6565 = sPieceFastRotationStates $6565 = sPieceYOffsets
$65d5 = sPieceRotationStates $6581 = sPieceFastRotationStates
$6645 = sTGM3Bag $65f1 = sPieceRotationStates
$6668 = sTGM3Droughts $6661 = sTGM3Bag
$666f = sGameplayTileMap $6684 = sTGM3Droughts
$690f = sGameplayUngradedTileMap $668b = sGameplayTileMap
$690f = sGameplayTileMapEnd $692b = sGameplayUngradedTileMap
$6baf = sGameplayUngradedTileMapEnd $692b = sGameplayTileMapEnd
EMPTY: $6baf-$7fff ($1451 bytes) $6bcb = sGameplayUngradedTileMapEnd
TOTAL EMPTY: $1451 bytes EMPTY: $6bcb-$7fff ($1435 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $1435 bytes
ROMX bank #6: ROMX bank #6:
SECTION: $4000-$4007 ($0008 bytes) ["Bank ID BANK_GAMEPLAY_BIG"] SECTION: $4000-$4007 ($0008 bytes) ["Bank ID BANK_GAMEPLAY_BIG"]
@ -2010,7 +2011,7 @@ ROMX bank #6:
$52e0 = BigClearLines.fixgarbo $52e0 = BigClearLines.fixgarbo
$52e3 = BigClearLines.fixgarboloop $52e3 = BigClearLines.fixgarboloop
$5301 = BigWidenField $5301 = BigWidenField
SECTION: $5651-$65f0 ($0fa0 bytes) ["Gameplay Function Big Banked"] SECTION: $5651-$660c ($0fbc bytes) ["Gameplay Function Big Banked"]
$5651 = SwitchToGameplayBigB $5651 = SwitchToGameplayBigB
$5657 = SwitchToGameplayBigB.wvr_u214 $5657 = SwitchToGameplayBigB.wvr_u214
$5660 = SwitchToGameplayBigB.loadtilemap $5660 = SwitchToGameplayBigB.loadtilemap
@ -2494,44 +2495,45 @@ ROMX bank #6:
$6423 = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.notempty7_u436 $6423 = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.notempty7_u436
$6426 = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.skip7_u436 $6426 = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.skip7_u436
$642a = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.gameOverMode $642a = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.gameOverMode
$645a = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.gosmall $6446 = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.checkretry
$647d = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.noretry $6476 = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.gosmall
$648a = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.pauseMode $6499 = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.noretry
$649f = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.noqr $64a6 = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.pauseMode
$64b4 = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.nounpause $64bb = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.noqr
$64ff = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.preRollMode $64d0 = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.nounpause
$652e = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.predone $651b = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.preRollMode
$6550 = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.drawStaticInfo $654a = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.predone
$6581 = BigDoHold $656c = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.drawStaticInfo
$6585 = BigDoHold.checkIRSA $659d = BigDoHold
$658c = BigDoHold.ldb3 $65a1 = BigDoHold.checkIRSA
$6598 = BigDoHold.lda3 $65a8 = BigDoHold.ldb3
$65a2 = BigDoHold.cp3 $65b4 = BigDoHold.lda3
$65b0 = BigDoHold.checkIRSB $65be = BigDoHold.cp3
$65b7 = BigDoHold.lda4 $65cc = BigDoHold.checkIRSB
$65c3 = BigDoHold.ldb4 $65d3 = BigDoHold.lda4
$65cd = BigDoHold.cp4 $65df = BigDoHold.ldb4
$65db = BigDoHold.noRotation $65e9 = BigDoHold.cp4
$65e6 = BigDoHold.doHoldOperation $65f7 = BigDoHold.noRotation
SECTION: $65f1-$6e5c ($086c bytes) ["Gameplay Big Static Data"] $6602 = BigDoHold.doHoldOperation
$65f1 = sBigLeftDasSlam SECTION: $660d-$6e78 ($086c bytes) ["Gameplay Big Static Data"]
$65f7 = sBigRightDasSlam $660d = sBigLeftDasSlam
$65fd = sBigLeady $6613 = sBigRightDasSlam
$6607 = sBigGo $6619 = sBigLeady
$6611 = sBigPause $6623 = sBigGo
$6639 = sBigKill $662d = sBigPause
$66d9 = sBigYouAreGM $6655 = sBigKill
$673d = sBigFinalChallenge $66f5 = sBigYouAreGM
$6805 = sBigPieceXOffsets $6759 = sBigFinalChallenge
$6821 = sBigPieceYOffsets $6821 = sBigPieceXOffsets
$683d = sBigPieceFastRotationStates $683d = sBigPieceYOffsets
$68ad = sBigPieceRotationStates $6859 = sBigPieceFastRotationStates
$691d = sBigGameplayTileMap $68c9 = sBigPieceRotationStates
$6bbd = sBigGameplayUngradedTileMap $6939 = sBigGameplayTileMap
$6bbd = sBigGameplayTileMapEnd $6bd9 = sBigGameplayUngradedTileMap
$6e5d = sBigGameplayUngradedTileMapEnd $6bd9 = sBigGameplayTileMapEnd
EMPTY: $6e5d-$7fff ($11a3 bytes) $6e79 = sBigGameplayUngradedTileMapEnd
TOTAL EMPTY: $11a3 bytes EMPTY: $6e79-$7fff ($1187 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $1187 bytes
SRAM bank #0: SRAM bank #0:
SECTION: $a000-$a60e ($060f bytes) ["Persistent Globals"] SECTION: $a000-$a60e ($060f bytes) ["Persistent Globals"]
@ -2794,18 +2796,19 @@ WRAM0 bank #0:
$ce55 = wProfileName $ce55 = wProfileName
SECTION: $ce58-$ce5b ($0004 bytes) ["Banking Variables"] SECTION: $ce58-$ce5b ($0004 bytes) ["Banking Variables"]
$ce58 = wBankBackup $ce58 = wBankBackup
SECTION: $ce5c-$ce5e ($0003 bytes) ["GBC Variables"] SECTION: $ce5c-$ce5f ($0004 bytes) ["Gameplay Variables"]
$ce5c = wOuterReps $ce5c = wRollLine
$ce5d = wInnerReps $ce5d = wInStaffRoll
$ce5e = wTitlePal $ce5e = wBigModeTransfered
SECTION: $ce5f-$ce61 ($0003 bytes) ["Gameplay Variables"] $ce5f = wGameOverIgnoreInput
$ce5f = wRollLine SECTION: $ce60-$ce62 ($0003 bytes) ["GBC Variables"]
$ce60 = wInStaffRoll $ce60 = wOuterReps
$ce61 = wBigModeTransfered $ce61 = wInnerReps
SECTION: $ce62-$ce62 ($0001 byte) ["SRAM Variables"] $ce62 = wTitlePal
$ce62 = wTarget SECTION: $ce63-$ce63 ($0001 byte) ["SRAM Variables"]
EMPTY: $ce63-$cfff ($019d bytes) $ce63 = wTarget
TOTAL EMPTY: $019d bytes EMPTY: $ce64-$cfff ($019c bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $019c bytes
HRAM bank #0: HRAM bank #0:
SECTION: $ff80-$ff9a ($001b bytes) ["High Field Variables"] SECTION: $ff80-$ff9a ($001b bytes) ["High Field Variables"]
@ -2897,7 +2900,7 @@ HRAM bank #0:
ROM0: 14470 bytes used / 1914 free ROM0: 14470 bytes used / 1914 free
ROMX: 64070 bytes used / 34234 free in 6 banks ROMX: 64126 bytes used / 34178 free in 6 banks
SRAM: 1551 bytes used / 6641 free in 1 bank SRAM: 1551 bytes used / 6641 free in 1 bank
WRAM0: 3683 bytes used / 413 free WRAM0: 3684 bytes used / 412 free
HRAM: 124 bytes used / 3 free HRAM: 124 bytes used / 3 free

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1414,43 +1414,44 @@
05:616c GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.notempty7_u213 05:616c GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.notempty7_u213
05:616f GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.skip7_u213 05:616f GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.skip7_u213
05:6173 GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.gameOverMode 05:6173 GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.gameOverMode
05:619c GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.noretry 05:618f GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.checkretry
05:61a9 GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.pauseMode 05:61b8 GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.noretry
05:61be GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.noqr 05:61c5 GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.pauseMode
05:61d3 GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.nounpause 05:61da GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.noqr
05:621d GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.preRollMode 05:61ef GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.nounpause
05:624c GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.predone 05:6239 GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.preRollMode
05:6262 GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.staysmall 05:6268 GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.predone
05:6278 GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.drawStaticInfo 05:627e GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.staysmall
05:62a9 DoHold 05:6294 GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB.drawStaticInfo
05:62ad DoHold.checkIRSA 05:62c5 DoHold
05:62b4 DoHold.ldb3 05:62c9 DoHold.checkIRSA
05:62c0 DoHold.lda3 05:62d0 DoHold.ldb3
05:62ca DoHold.cp3 05:62dc DoHold.lda3
05:62d8 DoHold.checkIRSB 05:62e6 DoHold.cp3
05:62df DoHold.lda4 05:62f4 DoHold.checkIRSB
05:62eb DoHold.ldb4 05:62fb DoHold.lda4
05:62f5 DoHold.cp4 05:6307 DoHold.ldb4
05:6303 DoHold.noRotation 05:6311 DoHold.cp4
05:630e DoHold.doHoldOperation 05:631f DoHold.noRotation
05:6319 sLeftDasSlam 05:632a DoHold.doHoldOperation
05:631f sRightDasSlam 05:6335 sLeftDasSlam
05:6325 sLeady 05:633b sRightDasSlam
05:632f sGo 05:6341 sLeady
05:6339 sPause 05:634b sGo
05:6361 sKill 05:6355 sPause
05:6401 sYouAreGM 05:637d sKill
05:6465 sFinalChallenge 05:641d sYouAreGM
05:652d sPieceXOffsets 05:6481 sFinalChallenge
05:6549 sPieceYOffsets 05:6549 sPieceXOffsets
05:6565 sPieceFastRotationStates 05:6565 sPieceYOffsets
05:65d5 sPieceRotationStates 05:6581 sPieceFastRotationStates
05:6645 sTGM3Bag 05:65f1 sPieceRotationStates
05:6668 sTGM3Droughts 05:6661 sTGM3Bag
05:666f sGameplayTileMap 05:6684 sTGM3Droughts
05:690f sGameplayUngradedTileMap 05:668b sGameplayTileMap
05:690f sGameplayTileMapEnd 05:692b sGameplayUngradedTileMap
05:6baf sGameplayUngradedTileMapEnd 05:692b sGameplayTileMapEnd
05:6bcb sGameplayUngradedTileMapEnd
06:4008 BigFieldInit 06:4008 BigFieldInit
06:4049 BigFieldClear 06:4049 BigFieldClear
06:40ef GoSmall 06:40ef GoSmall
@ -2181,41 +2182,42 @@
06:6423 GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.notempty7_u436 06:6423 GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.notempty7_u436
06:6426 GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.skip7_u436 06:6426 GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.skip7_u436
06:642a GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.gameOverMode 06:642a GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.gameOverMode
06:645a GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.gosmall 06:6446 GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.checkretry
06:647d GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.noretry 06:6476 GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.gosmall
06:648a GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.pauseMode 06:6499 GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.noretry
06:649f GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.noqr 06:64a6 GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.pauseMode
06:64b4 GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.nounpause 06:64bb GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.noqr
06:64ff GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.preRollMode 06:64d0 GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.nounpause
06:652e GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.predone 06:651b GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.preRollMode
06:6550 GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.drawStaticInfo 06:654a GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.predone
06:6581 BigDoHold 06:656c GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB.drawStaticInfo
06:6585 BigDoHold.checkIRSA 06:659d BigDoHold
06:658c BigDoHold.ldb3 06:65a1 BigDoHold.checkIRSA
06:6598 BigDoHold.lda3 06:65a8 BigDoHold.ldb3
06:65a2 BigDoHold.cp3 06:65b4 BigDoHold.lda3
06:65b0 BigDoHold.checkIRSB 06:65be BigDoHold.cp3
06:65b7 BigDoHold.lda4 06:65cc BigDoHold.checkIRSB
06:65c3 BigDoHold.ldb4 06:65d3 BigDoHold.lda4
06:65cd BigDoHold.cp4 06:65df BigDoHold.ldb4
06:65db BigDoHold.noRotation 06:65e9 BigDoHold.cp4
06:65e6 BigDoHold.doHoldOperation 06:65f7 BigDoHold.noRotation
06:65f1 sBigLeftDasSlam 06:6602 BigDoHold.doHoldOperation
06:65f7 sBigRightDasSlam 06:660d sBigLeftDasSlam
06:65fd sBigLeady 06:6613 sBigRightDasSlam
06:6607 sBigGo 06:6619 sBigLeady
06:6611 sBigPause 06:6623 sBigGo
06:6639 sBigKill 06:662d sBigPause
06:66d9 sBigYouAreGM 06:6655 sBigKill
06:673d sBigFinalChallenge 06:66f5 sBigYouAreGM
06:6805 sBigPieceXOffsets 06:6759 sBigFinalChallenge
06:6821 sBigPieceYOffsets 06:6821 sBigPieceXOffsets
06:683d sBigPieceFastRotationStates 06:683d sBigPieceYOffsets
06:68ad sBigPieceRotationStates 06:6859 sBigPieceFastRotationStates
06:691d sBigGameplayTileMap 06:68c9 sBigPieceRotationStates
06:6bbd sBigGameplayUngradedTileMap 06:6939 sBigGameplayTileMap
06:6bbd sBigGameplayTileMapEnd 06:6bd9 sBigGameplayUngradedTileMap
06:6e5d sBigGameplayUngradedTileMapEnd 06:6bd9 sBigGameplayTileMapEnd
06:6e79 sBigGameplayUngradedTileMapEnd
00:a000 rCheck 00:a000 rCheck
00:a006 rLastProfile 00:a006 rLastProfile
00:a007 rProfileName 00:a007 rProfileName
@ -2457,13 +2459,14 @@
00:ce54 wTitleMode 00:ce54 wTitleMode
00:ce55 wProfileName 00:ce55 wProfileName
00:ce58 wBankBackup 00:ce58 wBankBackup
00:ce5c wOuterReps 00:ce5c wRollLine
00:ce5d wInnerReps 00:ce5d wInStaffRoll
00:ce5e wTitlePal 00:ce5e wBigModeTransfered
00:ce5f wRollLine 00:ce5f wGameOverIgnoreInput
00:ce60 wInStaffRoll 00:ce60 wOuterReps
00:ce61 wBigModeTransfered 00:ce61 wInnerReps
00:ce62 wTarget 00:ce62 wTitlePal
00:ce63 wTarget
00:ff80 hPieceDataBase 00:ff80 hPieceDataBase
00:ff82 hPieceDataBaseFast 00:ff82 hPieceDataBaseFast
00:ff84 hPieceDataOffset 00:ff84 hPieceDataOffset

View File

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ SECTION "Gameplay Variables", WRAM0
wRollLine: ds 1 wRollLine: ds 1
wInStaffRoll:: ds 1 wInStaffRoll:: ds 1
wBigModeTransfered: ds 1 wBigModeTransfered: ds 1
wGameOverIgnoreInput: ds 1
SECTION "Gameplay Function Trampolines", ROM0 SECTION "Gameplay Function Trampolines", ROM0
@ -467,9 +468,8 @@ GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB::
.preGameOverMode .preGameOverMode
xor a, a ld a, $FF
ldh [hAState], a ld [wGameOverIgnoreInput], a
ldh [hBState], a
; Is it just a regular game over? ; Is it just a regular game over?
ld a, [wKillScreenActive] ld a, [wKillScreenActive]
@ -617,9 +617,26 @@ GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB::
.gameOverMode .gameOverMode
; Retry? ; Wait for A and B to not be held down.
ld a, [wGameOverIgnoreInput]
cp a, 0
jr z, .checkretry
ldh a, [hAState] ldh a, [hAState]
cp a, 10 ; 10 frame hold cp a, 0
jp nz, .drawStaticInfo
ldh a, [hBState]
cp a, 0
jp nz, .drawStaticInfo
xor a, a
ld [wGameOverIgnoreInput], a
jp .drawStaticInfo
; Retry?
ldh a, [hAState]
cp a, 1
jr nz, .noretry jr nz, .noretry
call CheckAndAddHiscore call CheckAndAddHiscore
call RNGInit call RNGInit
@ -639,7 +656,7 @@ GamePlayEventLoopHandlerB::
; Quit ; Quit
.noretry .noretry
ldh a, [hBState] ldh a, [hBState]
cp a, 10 ; 10 frame hold cp a, 1
jp nz, .drawStaticInfo jp nz, .drawStaticInfo
call CheckAndAddHiscore call CheckAndAddHiscore
jp SwitchToTitle jp SwitchToTitle
@ -1246,9 +1263,8 @@ GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB:
.preGameOverMode .preGameOverMode
xor a, a ld a, $FF
ldh [hAState], a ld [wGameOverIgnoreInput], a
ldh [hBState], a
; Is it just a regular game over? ; Is it just a regular game over?
ld a, [wKillScreenActive] ld a, [wKillScreenActive]
@ -1397,9 +1413,26 @@ GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB:
.gameOverMode .gameOverMode
; Retry? ; Wait for A and B to not be held down.
ld a, [wGameOverIgnoreInput]
cp a, 0
jr z, .checkretry
ldh a, [hAState] ldh a, [hAState]
cp a, 10 ; 10 frame hold cp a, 0
jp nz, .drawStaticInfo
ldh a, [hBState]
cp a, 0
jp nz, .drawStaticInfo
xor a, a
ld [wGameOverIgnoreInput], a
jp .drawStaticInfo
; Retry?
ldh a, [hAState]
cp a, 1
jr nz, .noretry jr nz, .noretry
ld a, [wReturnToSmall] ld a, [wReturnToSmall]
cp a, $FF cp a, $FF
@ -1439,7 +1472,7 @@ GamePlayBigEventLoopHandlerB:
; Quit ; Quit
.noretry .noretry
ldh a, [hBState] ldh a, [hBState]
cp a, 10 ; 10 frame hold cp a, 1
jp nz, .drawStaticInfo jp nz, .drawStaticInfo
call CheckAndAddHiscore call CheckAndAddHiscore
jp SwitchToTitle jp SwitchToTitle