Emulicious Project Homepage: https://www.emulicious.net Discord Server: https://discord.gg/YuKjBUF VS Code Extension: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=emulicious.emulicious-debugger This program is distributed under the attached license. See License.txt. ================= Special Thanks ================= PG Lomba - Visual identity design ================= Required Runtimes ================= Java 6 or newer: http://www.java.com =============== Troubleshooting =============== There have been reports of bad performance on Windows 11. This seems to be a driver issue. You can either update your drivers or disable Hardware Acceleration. On Windows with high-dpi screens, Windows applies some scaling which causes fonts to appear blurry. You can fix this by letting the application handle the scaling. You can find this via right-click on Emulicious.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Change High DPI Settings -> Tick the checkbox at the bottom and select Application. ==================== Commandline Commands ==================== -muted = start without sound (can still be manually enabled, see controls below) -scale [level] = start with given zoom level -link [address] = connects your Emulicious via link with the given address (e.g. "-link localhost" to connect to yourself) -linkport [port] = specifies to port to use with the -link option (default is 5887, if not specified) -fullscreen = Start provided rom in fullscreen mode -set [key=value] = Set a property. E.g. "-set SMSFM=true" -throttle [speed] = throttles the speed to the given value in percent -disassemble [file] = Disassemble the provided file. If a directory is provided, all contained files are disassembled. ================= Expressions ================= Expressions are used in many places in the Debugger. For explanations and examples checkout Expressions.txt. ========== What's New ========== To keep track on what's new check out WhatsNew.txt. It also contains explanations of some features.