INCLUDE "globals.asm" INCLUDE "memory.asm" INCLUDE "interrupts.asm" INCLUDE "sprites.asm" INCLUDE "rng.asm" INCLUDE "input.asm" INCLUDE "time.asm" INCLUDE "score.asm" INCLUDE "level.asm" INCLUDE "field.asm" INCLUDE "res/" INCLUDE "res/" SECTION "Code Entry Point", ROM0 Main:: ; Turn off LCD during initialization. wait_vram xor a, a ldh [rLCDC], a ; Save some power and turn off the audio. xor a, a ldh [rNR52], a ; We use a single set of tiles for the entire game, so we copy it at the start. ld de, Tiles ld hl, _VRAM ld bc, TilesEnd - Tiles call UnsafeMemCopy ; Also to the second bank of tile data. ld de, Tiles ld hl, _VRAM + $800 ld bc, TilesEnd - Tiles call UnsafeMemCopy ; Make sure both sprites and bg use the same tile data. ldh a, [rLCDC] or LCDCF_BLK01 ldh [rLCDC], a ; The tilemap is just for testing for now. ld de, GameplayTilemap ld hl, $9800 ld bc, GameplayTilemapEnd - GameplayTilemap call UnsafeMemCopy ; Clear OAM. call ClearOAM call CopyOAMHandler call SetNumberSpritePositions ; Set up the palettes. ld a, PALETTE_REGULAR set_bg_palette set_obj0_palette ld a, PALETTE_LIGHTER_1 set_obj1_palette ; Get the timer going. It's used for RNG. xor a, a ldh [rTMA], a ld a, TACF_262KHZ | TACF_START ; Zero out the ram where needed. call InitializeVariables ; Set up the interrupt handlers. call InitializeLCDCInterrupt ; And turn the LCD back on before we start. ldh a, [rLCDC] or LCDCF_ON | LCDCF_BGON | LCDCF_OBJON ldh [rLCDC], a ; Make sure the first game loop starts just like all the future ones. wait_vblank wait_vblank_end ; TEMP: Set up the game. call StartNewGame GameLoop:: call GetInput call HandleTimers ; Handle gameplay here ; TODO ldh a, [hCtr] inc a and a, $1F ldh [hCtr], a jr nz, :+ call GetNextPiece : ld a, [wNextPiece] call ApplyNext ld a, [wNextPiece] call ApplyHold ld hl, wSPRScore1 ld de, wScore call ApplyNumbers ld hl, wSPRCLevel1 ld de, wCLevel call ApplyNumbers ld hl, wSPRNLevel1 ld de, wNLevel call ApplyNumbers GameLoopEnd: wait_vblank call hOAMDMA call BlitField jr GameLoop ; ***************************************************************************** ; * * ; * Functions * ; * * ; ***************************************************************************** SECTION "Functions", ROM0 InitializeVariables: call TimeInit call IntrInit call InputInit call ScoreInit call LevelInit call FieldInit ret