INCLUDE "globals.asm" INCLUDE "memcpy.asm" INCLUDE "hardwarectl.asm" INCLUDE "interrupts.asm" INCLUDE "res/" INCLUDE "res/" SECTION "Code Entry Point", ROM0 MainEntryPoint:: ; Turn off LCD during initialization. call DisableLCD call DisableAudio ; We use a single set of tiles for the entire game, so we copy it at the start. ld de, Tiles ld hl, $9000 ld bc, TilesEnd - Tiles call UnsafeMemCopy ; The tilemap is just for testing for now. ld de, GameplayTilemap ld hl, $9800 ld bc, GameplayTilemapEnd - GameplayTilemap call UnsafeMemCopy ld a, PALETTE_REGULAR call SetBGPalette call InitializeVariables call InitializeLCDCInterrupt ; And turn it back on before we start. call EnableLCD ; Make sure the first game loop starts just like all the future ones. wait_vblank wait_vblank_end GameLoop:: call GetInput call HandleTimers ld bc, 20*10 ld hl, wField : ld a, [wFill] ld [hl+], a dec bc ld a, b or a, c jp nz, :- ld a, [wFill] inc a ld [wFill], a ; Handle gameplay here ; TODO GameLoopEnd: wait_vblank call BlitField jp GameLoop ; ***************************************************************************** ; * * ; * Functions * ; * * ; ***************************************************************************** SECTION "Functions", ROM0 InitializeVariables: xor a, a ld [wLCDCCtr], a ret BlitField: ; The first 16 rows can be blitted without checking for vram access. ld de, wField DEF row = 0 REPT 16 ld hl, FIELD_ROW_1+(32*row) REPT 10 ld a, [de] ld [hl+], a inc de ENDR DEF row += 1 ENDR ; The last 4 rows need some care. REPT 4 ld hl, FIELD_ROW_1+(32*row) REPT 2 : ldh a, [rSTAT] and STATF_LCD cp STATF_HBL jr z, :- : ldh a, [rSTAT] and STATF_LCD cp STATF_HBL jr nz, :- REPT 5 ld a, [de] ld [hl+], a inc de ENDR ENDR DEF row += 1 ENDR ret GetInput: ret HandleTimers: ld a, [wEvenFrame] inc a and 1 ld [wEvenFrame], a ret