Add profile framework.

This commit is contained in:
Randy Thiemann 2023-11-10 10:29:40 +01:00
parent 3bc39d6e42
commit 21bafab8e1
7 changed files with 683 additions and 325 deletions

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -364,125 +364,146 @@ ROM0 bank #0:
$2b92 = Next7Piece
$2b92 = !20
$2b9c = NextByte
SECTION: $2bbc-$2d05 ($014a bytes) ["Progress Data"]
$2bbc = sProgressData
SECTION: $2d06-$2de5 ($00e0 bytes) ["Score Functions"]
$2d06 = ScoreInit
$2d2e = IncreaseScore
$2d66 = IncreaseScore.doConvert
$2d68 = !0
$2d7e = IncreaseScore.carry
$2d80 = IncreaseScore.postConvert
$2d8d = !1
$2d94 = IncreaseScore.preAddDigit
$2dbc = IncreaseScore.addDigit
$2dd2 = IncreaseScore.nextDigit
SECTION: $2de6-$2eb2 ($00cd bytes) ["Input Functions"]
$2de6 = InputInit
$2df8 = GetInput
$2df8 = GetInput.btns
$2e05 = GetInput.readA
$2e09 = GetInput.setA
$2e14 = GetInput.clearA
$2e17 = GetInput.readB
$2e1b = GetInput.setB
$2e26 = GetInput.clearB
$2e29 = GetInput.readSelect
$2e2d = GetInput.setSelect
$2e38 = GetInput.clearSelect
$2e3b = GetInput.readStart
$2e3f = GetInput.setStart
$2e4a = GetInput.clearStart
$2e4d = GetInput.dpad
$2e5a = GetInput.readUp
$2e5e = GetInput.setUp
$2e69 = GetInput.clearUp
$2e6c = GetInput.readDown
$2e70 = GetInput.setDown
$2e7b = GetInput.clearDown
$2e7e = GetInput.readLeft
$2e82 = GetInput.setLeft
$2e8d = GetInput.clearLeft
$2e90 = GetInput.readRight
$2e94 = GetInput.setRight
$2e9f = GetInput.clearRight
$2ea2 = GetInput.priorities
$2ead =
SECTION: $2eb3-$2f78 ($00c6 bytes) ["Time Functions"]
$2eb3 = TimeInit
$2ed3 = StartCountdown
$2ee1 = ResetGameTime
$2eec = CheckTorikan
$2f03 = CheckTorikan.failure
$2f05 = CheckTorikan.success
$2f08 = HandleTimers
$2f2e = HandleTimers.reduce
$2f3b = HandleTimers.clock
$2f55 = HandleTimers.go
SECTION: $2f79-$3035 ($00bd bytes) ["Title Function Trampolines"]
$2f79 = SwitchToTitle
$2f82 = TitleEventLoopHandler
$2f8c = TitleVBlankHandler
$2f96 = DrawSpeedMain
$2fe6 = DrawSpeedSettings
SECTION: $3036-$30ec ($00b7 bytes) ["SRAM Functions"]
$3036 = RestoreSRAM
$308f = InitializeSRAM
SECTION: $30ed-$319e ($00b2 bytes) ["Progress Functions"]
$30ed = SetProgress
$30f8 = SetProgress.loop
$30fc = SetProgress.correct
$3123 = SetProgress.wvr_u1
$312f = SetProgress.wvr_u2
$313d = SetProgress.wvr_u3
$3149 = SetProgress.wvr_u4
$3157 = SetProgress.wvr_u5
$3163 = SetProgress.wvr_u6
$3171 = SetProgress.wvr_u7
$317d = SetProgress.wvr_u8
$318b = SetProgress.wvr_u9
$3197 = SetProgress.wvr_u10
SECTION: $319f-$3230 ($0092 bytes) ["Code Entry Point"]
$319f = Main
$31c8 = Main.notgbc
$31ce = Main.wvr_u1
$31f5 = EventLoop
$320b = EventLoop.eventloopjumps
$3214 = EventLoopPostHandler
$3216 = EventLoopPostHandler.wvb_u2
$3228 = EventLoopPostHandler.vblankjumps
SECTION: $3231-$3282 ($0052 bytes) ["Tile Functions"]
$3231 = LoadTitleTiles
$324f = LoadGameplayTiles
$3265 = LoadGameplayTiles.gbc
$3274 = LoadGameplayTiles.dmg
SECTION: $3283-$32be ($003c bytes) ["Time Data"]
$3283 = sFramesToCS
SECTION: $32bf-$32ec ($002e bytes) ["Memory Functions"]
$32bf = UnsafeMemCopy
$32c8 = SafeMemCopy.wvr_u1
$32c8 = SafeMemCopy
$32d7 = UnsafeMemSet
$32df = SafeMemSet
$32df = SafeMemSet.wvr_u2
SECTION: $32ed-$3312 ($0026 bytes) ["Gameplay Function Trampolines"]
$32ed = SwitchToGameplay
$32f6 = SwitchToGameplayBig
$32ff = GamePlayEventLoopHandler
$3309 = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandler
SECTION: $3313-$3337 ($0025 bytes) ["Interrupt Initialization Functions"]
$3313 = EnableScreenSquish
$332d = DisableScreenSquish
SECTION: $3338-$3359 ($0022 bytes) ["OAM Functions"]
$3338 = CopyOAMHandler
$3344 = ClearOAM
SECTION: $335a-$3368 ($000f bytes) ["Banking Functions"]
$335a = BankingInit
SECTION: $3369-$3372 ($000a bytes) ["OAM DMA Code"]
$3369 = OAMDMA
$3373 = OAMDMAEnd
EMPTY: $3373-$3fff ($0c8d bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0c98 bytes
SECTION: $2bbc-$2dd0 ($0215 bytes) ["SRAM Functions"]
$2bbc = RestoreSRAM
$2c3e = RestoreSRAM.jumps
$2c56 = RestoreSRAM.dmgt
$2c5c = RestoreSRAM.tgm1
$2c62 = RestoreSRAM.tgm3
$2c68 = RestoreSRAM.deat
$2c6e = RestoreSRAM.shir
$2c74 = RestoreSRAM.chil
$2c7a = RestoreSRAM.myco
$2c80 =
$2c92 = RestoreSRAM.notfound
$2c99 = RestoreSRAM.fallback
$2cb4 = InitializeSRAM
$2d5d = ChangeProfile
$2d5d = ChangeProfile.backup
$2d70 = ChangeProfile.first
$2d7e = ChangeProfile.second
$2d8c = ChangeProfile.third
$2d9a = ChangeProfile.restore
$2dad = ChangeProfile.lfirst
$2db9 = ChangeProfile.lsecond
$2dc5 = ChangeProfile.lthird
SECTION: $2dd1-$2f1a ($014a bytes) ["Progress Data"]
$2dd1 = sProgressData
SECTION: $2f1b-$2ffa ($00e0 bytes) ["Score Functions"]
$2f1b = ScoreInit
$2f43 = IncreaseScore
$2f7b = IncreaseScore.doConvert
$2f7d = !0
$2f93 = IncreaseScore.carry
$2f95 = IncreaseScore.postConvert
$2fa2 = !1
$2fa9 = IncreaseScore.preAddDigit
$2fd1 = IncreaseScore.addDigit
$2fe7 = IncreaseScore.nextDigit
SECTION: $2ffb-$30c7 ($00cd bytes) ["Input Functions"]
$2ffb = InputInit
$300d = GetInput
$300d = GetInput.btns
$301a = GetInput.readA
$301e = GetInput.setA
$3029 = GetInput.clearA
$302c = GetInput.readB
$3030 = GetInput.setB
$303b = GetInput.clearB
$303e = GetInput.readSelect
$3042 = GetInput.setSelect
$304d = GetInput.clearSelect
$3050 = GetInput.readStart
$3054 = GetInput.setStart
$305f = GetInput.clearStart
$3062 = GetInput.dpad
$306f = GetInput.readUp
$3073 = GetInput.setUp
$307e = GetInput.clearUp
$3081 = GetInput.readDown
$3085 = GetInput.setDown
$3090 = GetInput.clearDown
$3093 = GetInput.readLeft
$3097 = GetInput.setLeft
$30a2 = GetInput.clearLeft
$30a5 = GetInput.readRight
$30a9 = GetInput.setRight
$30b4 = GetInput.clearRight
$30b7 = GetInput.priorities
$30c2 =
SECTION: $30c8-$3192 ($00cb bytes) ["Title Function Trampolines"]
$30c8 = SwitchToTitle
$30d1 = TitleEventLoopHandler
$30db = TitleVBlankHandler
$30e5 = PersistLevel
$30f3 = DrawSpeedMain
$3143 = DrawSpeedSettings
SECTION: $3193-$3258 ($00c6 bytes) ["Time Functions"]
$3193 = TimeInit
$31b3 = StartCountdown
$31c1 = ResetGameTime
$31cc = CheckTorikan
$31e3 = CheckTorikan.failure
$31e5 = CheckTorikan.success
$31e8 = HandleTimers
$320e = HandleTimers.reduce
$321b = HandleTimers.clock
$3235 = HandleTimers.go
SECTION: $3259-$330a ($00b2 bytes) ["Progress Functions"]
$3259 = SetProgress
$3264 = SetProgress.loop
$3268 = SetProgress.correct
$328f = SetProgress.wvr_u1
$329b = SetProgress.wvr_u2
$32a9 = SetProgress.wvr_u3
$32b5 = SetProgress.wvr_u4
$32c3 = SetProgress.wvr_u5
$32cf = SetProgress.wvr_u6
$32dd = SetProgress.wvr_u7
$32e9 = SetProgress.wvr_u8
$32f7 = SetProgress.wvr_u9
$3303 = SetProgress.wvr_u10
SECTION: $330b-$339c ($0092 bytes) ["Code Entry Point"]
$330b = Main
$3334 = Main.notgbc
$333a = Main.wvr_u1
$3361 = EventLoop
$3377 = EventLoop.eventloopjumps
$3380 = EventLoopPostHandler
$3382 = EventLoopPostHandler.wvb_u2
$3394 = EventLoopPostHandler.vblankjumps
SECTION: $339d-$33ee ($0052 bytes) ["Tile Functions"]
$339d = LoadTitleTiles
$33bb = LoadGameplayTiles
$33d1 = LoadGameplayTiles.gbc
$33e0 = LoadGameplayTiles.dmg
SECTION: $33ef-$342a ($003c bytes) ["Time Data"]
$33ef = sFramesToCS
SECTION: $342b-$3458 ($002e bytes) ["Memory Functions"]
$342b = UnsafeMemCopy
$3434 = SafeMemCopy.wvr_u1
$3434 = SafeMemCopy
$3443 = UnsafeMemSet
$344b = SafeMemSet
$344b = SafeMemSet.wvr_u2
SECTION: $3459-$347e ($0026 bytes) ["Gameplay Function Trampolines"]
$3459 = SwitchToGameplay
$3462 = SwitchToGameplayBig
$346b = GamePlayEventLoopHandler
$3475 = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandler
SECTION: $347f-$34a3 ($0025 bytes) ["Interrupt Initialization Functions"]
$347f = EnableScreenSquish
$3499 = DisableScreenSquish
SECTION: $34a4-$34c5 ($0022 bytes) ["OAM Functions"]
$34a4 = CopyOAMHandler
$34b0 = ClearOAM
SECTION: $34c6-$34d4 ($000f bytes) ["Banking Functions"]
$34c6 = BankingInit
SECTION: $34d5-$34de ($000a bytes) ["OAM DMA Code"]
$34d5 = OAMDMA
$34df = OAMDMAEnd
EMPTY: $34df-$3fff ($0b21 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0b2c bytes
ROMX bank #1:
SECTION: $4000-$4007 ($0008 bytes) ["Bank ID BANK_OTHER"]
@ -611,7 +632,7 @@ ROMX bank #4:
$4550 = sTitleScreenSettingsMap
$4550 = sTitleScreenMainMapEnd
$47f0 = sTitleScreenSettingsMapEnd
SECTION: $47f0-$4f77 ($0788 bytes) ["Title Functions Banked"]
SECTION: $47f0-$4f67 ($0778 bytes) ["Title Functions Banked"]
$47f0 = SwitchToTitleB
$47f6 = SwitchToTitleB.wvr_u1
$47ff = !0
@ -738,27 +759,27 @@ ROMX bank #4:
$4e6e = SettingsHandleRight.hig
$4e7d = !18
$4e85 = DecrementLevel
$4e9e = IncrementLevel
$4eb7 = InitSpeedCurve
$4eca = GetEnd
$4ed5 = !19
$4edd = !20
$4ee5 = !21
$4eed = !22
$4ef5 = !23
$4efd = !24
$4f01 = GetStart
$4f0c = !25
$4f14 = !26
$4f1c = !27
$4f24 = !28
$4f2c = !29
$4f34 = !30
$4f38 = CheckLevelRange
$4f54 = CheckLevelRange.notatend
$4f77 = CheckLevelRange.notatstart
EMPTY: $4f78-$7fff ($3088 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $3088 bytes
$4e9b = IncrementLevel
$4eb1 = InitSpeedCurve
$4ec0 = GetEnd
$4ecb = !19
$4ed3 = !20
$4edb = !21
$4ee3 = !22
$4eeb = !23
$4ef3 = !24
$4ef7 = GetStart
$4f02 = !25
$4f0a = !26
$4f12 = !27
$4f1a = !28
$4f22 = !29
$4f2a = !30
$4f2e = CheckLevelRange
$4f47 = CheckLevelRange.notatend
$4f67 = CheckLevelRange.notatstart
EMPTY: $4f68-$7fff ($3098 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $3098 bytes
ROMX bank #5:
SECTION: $4000-$4007 ($0008 bytes) ["Bank ID BANK_GAMEPLAY"]
@ -2422,17 +2443,51 @@ ROMX bank #6:
TOTAL EMPTY: $1211 bytes
SRAM bank #0:
SECTION: $a000-$a00d ($000e bytes) ["Persistent Globals"]
SECTION: $a000-$a106 ($0107 bytes) ["Persistent Globals"]
$a000 = rCheck
$a006 = rSwapABState
$a007 = rRNGModeState
$a008 = rRotModeState
$a009 = rDropModeState
$a00a = rSpeedCurveState
$a00b = rAlways20GState
$a00c = rSelectedStartLevel
EMPTY: $a00e-$bfff ($1ff2 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $1ff2 bytes
$a006 = rLastProfile
$a007 = rProfileName
$a007 = rProfileData
$a00a = rSwapABState
$a00b = rRNGModeState
$a00c = rRotModeState
$a00d = rDropModeState
$a00e = rSpeedCurveState
$a00f = rAlways20GState
$a010 = rSelectedStartLevel
$a012 = rUnused
$a047 = rProfileData0
$a047 = rProfileName0
$a04a = rSwapABState0
$a04b = rRNGModeState0
$a04c = rRotModeState0
$a04d = rDropModeState0
$a04e = rSpeedCurveState0
$a04f = rAlways20GState0
$a050 = rSelectedStartLevel0
$a052 = rUnused0
$a087 = rProfileData1
$a087 = rProfileName1
$a08a = rSwapABState1
$a08b = rRNGModeState1
$a08c = rRotModeState1
$a08d = rDropModeState1
$a08e = rSpeedCurveState1
$a08f = rAlways20GState1
$a090 = rSelectedStartLevel1
$a092 = rUnused1
$a0c7 = rProfileData2
$a0c7 = rProfileName2
$a0ca = rSwapABState2
$a0cb = rRNGModeState2
$a0cc = rRotModeState2
$a0cd = rDropModeState2
$a0ce = rSpeedCurveState2
$a0cf = rAlways20GState2
$a0d0 = rSelectedStartLevel2
$a0d2 = rUnused2
EMPTY: $a107-$bfff ($1ef9 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $1ef9 bytes
WRAM0 bank #0:
SECTION: $c000-$c3ff ($0400 bytes) ["GBC Shadow Tilemap"]
@ -2558,21 +2613,24 @@ WRAM0 bank #0:
$cdc5 = wFrames
$cdc6 = wCountDown
$cdc8 = wCountDownZero
SECTION: $cdc9-$cdcc ($0004 bytes) ["Banking Variables"]
$cdc9 = wBankBackup
SECTION: $cdcd-$cdcf ($0003 bytes) ["GBC Variables"]
$cdcd = wOuterReps
$cdce = wInnerReps
$cdcf = wTitlePal
SECTION: $cdd0-$cdd2 ($0003 bytes) ["Gameplay Variables"]
$cdd0 = wRollLine
$cdd1 = wInStaffRoll
$cdd2 = wBigModeTransfered
SECTION: $cdd3-$cdd4 ($0002 bytes) ["Title Variables"]
$cdd3 = wSelected
$cdd4 = wTitleMode
EMPTY: $cdd5-$cfff ($022b bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $022b bytes
SECTION: $cdc9-$cdcd ($0005 bytes) ["Title Variables"]
$cdc9 = wSelected
$cdca = wTitleMode
$cdcb = wProfileName
SECTION: $cdce-$cdd1 ($0004 bytes) ["Banking Variables"]
$cdce = wBankBackup
SECTION: $cdd2-$cdd4 ($0003 bytes) ["GBC Variables"]
$cdd2 = wOuterReps
$cdd3 = wInnerReps
$cdd4 = wTitlePal
SECTION: $cdd5-$cdd7 ($0003 bytes) ["Gameplay Variables"]
$cdd5 = wRollLine
$cdd6 = wInStaffRoll
$cdd7 = wBigModeTransfered
SECTION: $cdd8-$cdd8 ($0001 byte) ["SRAM Variables"]
$cdd8 = wTarget
EMPTY: $cdd9-$cfff ($0227 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0227 bytes
HRAM bank #0:
SECTION: $ff80-$ff9a ($001b bytes) ["High Field Variables"]
@ -2663,8 +2721,8 @@ HRAM bank #0:
TOTAL EMPTY: $0003 bytes
ROM0: 13160 bytes used / 3224 free
ROMX: 62056 bytes used / 36248 free in 6 banks
SRAM: 14 bytes used / 8178 free in 1 bank
WRAM0: 3541 bytes used / 555 free
ROM0: 13524 bytes used / 2860 free
ROMX: 62040 bytes used / 36264 free in 6 banks
SRAM: 263 bytes used / 7929 free in 1 bank
WRAM0: 3545 bytes used / 551 free
HRAM: 124 bytes used / 3 free

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -268,105 +268,126 @@
00:2b88 Next35Piece
00:2b92 Next7Piece
00:2b9c NextByte
00:2bbc sProgressData
00:2d06 ScoreInit
00:2d2e IncreaseScore
00:2d66 IncreaseScore.doConvert
00:2d7e IncreaseScore.carry
00:2d80 IncreaseScore.postConvert
00:2d94 IncreaseScore.preAddDigit
00:2dbc IncreaseScore.addDigit
00:2dd2 IncreaseScore.nextDigit
00:2de6 InputInit
00:2df8 GetInput
00:2df8 GetInput.btns
00:2e05 GetInput.readA
00:2e09 GetInput.setA
00:2e14 GetInput.clearA
00:2e17 GetInput.readB
00:2e1b GetInput.setB
00:2e26 GetInput.clearB
00:2e29 GetInput.readSelect
00:2e2d GetInput.setSelect
00:2e38 GetInput.clearSelect
00:2e3b GetInput.readStart
00:2e3f GetInput.setStart
00:2e4a GetInput.clearStart
00:2e4d GetInput.dpad
00:2e5a GetInput.readUp
00:2e5e GetInput.setUp
00:2e69 GetInput.clearUp
00:2e6c GetInput.readDown
00:2e70 GetInput.setDown
00:2e7b GetInput.clearDown
00:2e7e GetInput.readLeft
00:2e82 GetInput.setLeft
00:2e8d GetInput.clearLeft
00:2e90 GetInput.readRight
00:2e94 GetInput.setRight
00:2e9f GetInput.clearRight
00:2ea2 GetInput.priorities
00:2eb3 TimeInit
00:2ed3 StartCountdown
00:2ee1 ResetGameTime
00:2eec CheckTorikan
00:2f03 CheckTorikan.failure
00:2f05 CheckTorikan.success
00:2f08 HandleTimers
00:2f2e HandleTimers.reduce
00:2f3b HandleTimers.clock
00:2f55 HandleTimers.go
00:2f79 SwitchToTitle
00:2f82 TitleEventLoopHandler
00:2f8c TitleVBlankHandler
00:2f96 DrawSpeedMain
00:2fe6 DrawSpeedSettings
00:3036 RestoreSRAM
00:308f InitializeSRAM
00:30ed SetProgress
00:30f8 SetProgress.loop
00:30fc SetProgress.correct
00:3123 SetProgress.wvr_u1
00:312f SetProgress.wvr_u2
00:313d SetProgress.wvr_u3
00:3149 SetProgress.wvr_u4
00:3157 SetProgress.wvr_u5
00:3163 SetProgress.wvr_u6
00:3171 SetProgress.wvr_u7
00:317d SetProgress.wvr_u8
00:318b SetProgress.wvr_u9
00:3197 SetProgress.wvr_u10
00:319f Main
00:31c8 Main.notgbc
00:31ce Main.wvr_u1
00:31f5 EventLoop
00:320b EventLoop.eventloopjumps
00:3214 EventLoopPostHandler
00:3216 EventLoopPostHandler.wvb_u2
00:3228 EventLoopPostHandler.vblankjumps
00:3231 LoadTitleTiles
00:324f LoadGameplayTiles
00:3265 LoadGameplayTiles.gbc
00:3274 LoadGameplayTiles.dmg
00:3283 sFramesToCS
00:32bf UnsafeMemCopy
00:32c8 SafeMemCopy.wvr_u1
00:32c8 SafeMemCopy
00:32d7 UnsafeMemSet
00:32df SafeMemSet
00:32df SafeMemSet.wvr_u2
00:32ed SwitchToGameplay
00:32f6 SwitchToGameplayBig
00:32ff GamePlayEventLoopHandler
00:3309 GamePlayBigEventLoopHandler
00:3313 EnableScreenSquish
00:332d DisableScreenSquish
00:3338 CopyOAMHandler
00:3344 ClearOAM
00:335a BankingInit
00:3369 OAMDMA
00:3373 OAMDMAEnd
00:2bbc RestoreSRAM
00:2c3e RestoreSRAM.jumps
00:2c56 RestoreSRAM.dmgt
00:2c5c RestoreSRAM.tgm1
00:2c62 RestoreSRAM.tgm3
00:2c68 RestoreSRAM.deat
00:2c6e RestoreSRAM.shir
00:2c74 RestoreSRAM.chil
00:2c7a RestoreSRAM.myco
00:2c92 RestoreSRAM.notfound
00:2c99 RestoreSRAM.fallback
00:2cb4 InitializeSRAM
00:2d5d ChangeProfile
00:2d5d ChangeProfile.backup
00:2d70 ChangeProfile.first
00:2d7e ChangeProfile.second
00:2d8c ChangeProfile.third
00:2d9a ChangeProfile.restore
00:2dad ChangeProfile.lfirst
00:2db9 ChangeProfile.lsecond
00:2dc5 ChangeProfile.lthird
00:2dd1 sProgressData
00:2f1b ScoreInit
00:2f43 IncreaseScore
00:2f7b IncreaseScore.doConvert
00:2f93 IncreaseScore.carry
00:2f95 IncreaseScore.postConvert
00:2fa9 IncreaseScore.preAddDigit
00:2fd1 IncreaseScore.addDigit
00:2fe7 IncreaseScore.nextDigit
00:2ffb InputInit
00:300d GetInput
00:300d GetInput.btns
00:301a GetInput.readA
00:301e GetInput.setA
00:3029 GetInput.clearA
00:302c GetInput.readB
00:3030 GetInput.setB
00:303b GetInput.clearB
00:303e GetInput.readSelect
00:3042 GetInput.setSelect
00:304d GetInput.clearSelect
00:3050 GetInput.readStart
00:3054 GetInput.setStart
00:305f GetInput.clearStart
00:3062 GetInput.dpad
00:306f GetInput.readUp
00:3073 GetInput.setUp
00:307e GetInput.clearUp
00:3081 GetInput.readDown
00:3085 GetInput.setDown
00:3090 GetInput.clearDown
00:3093 GetInput.readLeft
00:3097 GetInput.setLeft
00:30a2 GetInput.clearLeft
00:30a5 GetInput.readRight
00:30a9 GetInput.setRight
00:30b4 GetInput.clearRight
00:30b7 GetInput.priorities
00:30c8 SwitchToTitle
00:30d1 TitleEventLoopHandler
00:30db TitleVBlankHandler
00:30e5 PersistLevel
00:30f3 DrawSpeedMain
00:3143 DrawSpeedSettings
00:3193 TimeInit
00:31b3 StartCountdown
00:31c1 ResetGameTime
00:31cc CheckTorikan
00:31e3 CheckTorikan.failure
00:31e5 CheckTorikan.success
00:31e8 HandleTimers
00:320e HandleTimers.reduce
00:321b HandleTimers.clock
00:3235 HandleTimers.go
00:3259 SetProgress
00:3264 SetProgress.loop
00:3268 SetProgress.correct
00:328f SetProgress.wvr_u1
00:329b SetProgress.wvr_u2
00:32a9 SetProgress.wvr_u3
00:32b5 SetProgress.wvr_u4
00:32c3 SetProgress.wvr_u5
00:32cf SetProgress.wvr_u6
00:32dd SetProgress.wvr_u7
00:32e9 SetProgress.wvr_u8
00:32f7 SetProgress.wvr_u9
00:3303 SetProgress.wvr_u10
00:330b Main
00:3334 Main.notgbc
00:333a Main.wvr_u1
00:3361 EventLoop
00:3377 EventLoop.eventloopjumps
00:3380 EventLoopPostHandler
00:3382 EventLoopPostHandler.wvb_u2
00:3394 EventLoopPostHandler.vblankjumps
00:339d LoadTitleTiles
00:33bb LoadGameplayTiles
00:33d1 LoadGameplayTiles.gbc
00:33e0 LoadGameplayTiles.dmg
00:33ef sFramesToCS
00:342b UnsafeMemCopy
00:3434 SafeMemCopy.wvr_u1
00:3434 SafeMemCopy
00:3443 UnsafeMemSet
00:344b SafeMemSet
00:344b SafeMemSet.wvr_u2
00:3459 SwitchToGameplay
00:3462 SwitchToGameplayBig
00:346b GamePlayEventLoopHandler
00:3475 GamePlayBigEventLoopHandler
00:347f EnableScreenSquish
00:3499 DisableScreenSquish
00:34a4 CopyOAMHandler
00:34b0 ClearOAM
00:34c6 BankingInit
00:34d5 OAMDMA
00:34df OAMDMAEnd
01:4008 sDMGTSpeedCurve
01:4203 sDMGTSpeedCurveEnd
01:4205 sDMGTSpeedCurveSpecialData
@ -580,13 +601,13 @@
04:4e51 SettingsHandleRight.curve
04:4e6e SettingsHandleRight.hig
04:4e85 DecrementLevel
04:4e9e IncrementLevel
04:4eb7 InitSpeedCurve
04:4eca GetEnd
04:4f01 GetStart
04:4f38 CheckLevelRange
04:4f54 CheckLevelRange.notatend
04:4f77 CheckLevelRange.notatstart
04:4e9b IncrementLevel
04:4eb1 InitSpeedCurve
04:4ec0 GetEnd
04:4ef7 GetStart
04:4f2e CheckLevelRange
04:4f47 CheckLevelRange.notatend
04:4f67 CheckLevelRange.notatstart
05:4008 FieldInit
05:403e FieldClear
05:4049 ToBackupField
@ -2110,13 +2131,47 @@
06:6b4f sBigGameplayTileMapEnd
06:6def sBigGameplayUngradedTileMapEnd
00:a000 rCheck
00:a006 rSwapABState
00:a007 rRNGModeState
00:a008 rRotModeState
00:a009 rDropModeState
00:a00a rSpeedCurveState
00:a00b rAlways20GState
00:a00c rSelectedStartLevel
00:a006 rLastProfile
00:a007 rProfileName
00:a007 rProfileData
00:a00a rSwapABState
00:a00b rRNGModeState
00:a00c rRotModeState
00:a00d rDropModeState
00:a00e rSpeedCurveState
00:a00f rAlways20GState
00:a010 rSelectedStartLevel
00:a012 rUnused
00:a047 rProfileData0
00:a047 rProfileName0
00:a04a rSwapABState0
00:a04b rRNGModeState0
00:a04c rRotModeState0
00:a04d rDropModeState0
00:a04e rSpeedCurveState0
00:a04f rAlways20GState0
00:a050 rSelectedStartLevel0
00:a052 rUnused0
00:a087 rProfileData1
00:a087 rProfileName1
00:a08a rSwapABState1
00:a08b rRNGModeState1
00:a08c rRotModeState1
00:a08d rDropModeState1
00:a08e rSpeedCurveState1
00:a08f rAlways20GState1
00:a090 rSelectedStartLevel1
00:a092 rUnused1
00:a0c7 rProfileData2
00:a0c7 rProfileName2
00:a0ca rSwapABState2
00:a0cb rRNGModeState2
00:a0cc rRotModeState2
00:a0cd rDropModeState2
00:a0ce rSpeedCurveState2
00:a0cf rAlways20GState2
00:a0d0 rSelectedStartLevel2
00:a0d2 rUnused2
00:c000 wShadowTilemap
00:c400 wShadowTileAttrs
00:c800 wShadowOAM
@ -2229,15 +2284,17 @@
00:cdc5 wFrames
00:cdc6 wCountDown
00:cdc8 wCountDownZero
00:cdc9 wBankBackup
00:cdcd wOuterReps
00:cdce wInnerReps
00:cdcf wTitlePal
00:cdd0 wRollLine
00:cdd1 wInStaffRoll
00:cdd2 wBigModeTransfered
00:cdd3 wSelected
00:cdd4 wTitleMode
00:cdc9 wSelected
00:cdca wTitleMode
00:cdcb wProfileName
00:cdce wBankBackup
00:cdd2 wOuterReps
00:cdd3 wInnerReps
00:cdd4 wTitlePal
00:cdd5 wRollLine
00:cdd6 wInStaffRoll
00:cdd7 wBigModeTransfered
00:cdd8 wTarget
00:ff80 hPieceDataBase
00:ff82 hPieceDataBaseFast
00:ff84 hPieceDataOffset

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ INCLUDE "globals.asm"
SECTION "Persistent Globals", SRAM
rCheck:: ds 6
rLastProfile:: ds 1
rProfileData:: ds 64
rProfileName:: ds 3
rSwapABState:: ds 1
rRNGModeState:: ds 1
rRotModeState:: ds 1
@ -31,6 +36,50 @@ rDropModeState:: ds 1
rSpeedCurveState:: ds 1
rAlways20GState:: ds 1
rSelectedStartLevel:: ds 2
rUnused:: ds (64-11)
rProfileData0:: ds 64
rProfileName0:: ds 3
rSwapABState0:: ds 1
rRNGModeState0:: ds 1
rRotModeState0:: ds 1
rDropModeState0:: ds 1
rSpeedCurveState0:: ds 1
rAlways20GState0:: ds 1
rSelectedStartLevel0:: ds 2
rUnused0:: ds (64-11)
rProfileData1:: ds 64
rProfileName1:: ds 3
rSwapABState1:: ds 1
rRNGModeState1:: ds 1
rRotModeState1:: ds 1
rDropModeState1:: ds 1
rSpeedCurveState1:: ds 1
rAlways20GState1:: ds 1
rSelectedStartLevel1:: ds 2
rUnused1:: ds (64-11)
rProfileData2:: ds 64
rProfileName2:: ds 3
rSwapABState2:: ds 1
rRNGModeState2:: ds 1
rRotModeState2:: ds 1
rDropModeState2:: ds 1
rSpeedCurveState2:: ds 1
rAlways20GState2:: ds 1
rSelectedStartLevel2:: ds 2
rUnused2:: ds (64-11)
wTarget:: ds 1
SECTION "SRAM Functions", ROM0
@ -38,23 +87,23 @@ SECTION "SRAM Functions", ROM0
; Restores it if so, otherwise initializes it.
ld a, [rCheck]
cp a, LOW(__UTC_YEAR__)
jr nz, InitializeSRAM
cp a, "D"
jp nz, InitializeSRAM
ld a, [rCheck+1]
cp a, __UTC_MONTH__
jr nz, InitializeSRAM
cp a, "M"
jp nz, InitializeSRAM
ld a, [rCheck+2]
cp a, __UTC_DAY__
jr nz, InitializeSRAM
cp a, "G"
jp nz, InitializeSRAM
ld a, [rCheck+3]
cp a, __UTC_HOUR__
jr nz, InitializeSRAM
cp a, "T"
jp nz, InitializeSRAM
ld a, [rCheck+4]
cp a, __UTC_MINUTE__
jr nz, InitializeSRAM
cp a, 0
jp nz, InitializeSRAM
ld a, [rCheck+5]
cp a, __UTC_SECOND__
jr nz, InitializeSRAM
cp a, 0
jp nz, InitializeSRAM
; SRAM is initialized and for this build, so we can load the data.
ld a, [rSwapABState]
@ -69,30 +118,136 @@ RestoreSRAM::
ld [wSpeedCurveState], a
ld a, [rAlways20GState]
ld [wAlways20GState], a
ld a, [rProfileName]
ld [wProfileName], a
ld a, [rProfileName+1]
ld [wProfileName+1], a
ld a, [rProfileName+2]
ld [wProfileName+2], a
; Restore the start level.
ld a, [rSelectedStartLevel]
ldh [hStartSpeed], a
ld c, a
ld a, [rSelectedStartLevel+1]
ld b, a
rst RSTSwitchBank
ld a, [rSpeedCurveState]
ld d, a
add a, d
add a, d
ld e, a
ld d, 0
ld hl, .jumps
add hl, de
jp hl
jp .dmgt
jp .tgm1
jp .tgm3
jp .deat
jp .shir
jp .chil
jp .myco
jp .fallback
ld hl, sDMGTSpeedCurve
jp .search
ld hl, sTGM1SpeedCurve
jp .search
ld hl, sTGM3SpeedCurve
jp .search
ld hl, sDEATSpeedCurve
jp .search
ld hl, sSHIRSpeedCurve
jp .search
ld hl, sCHILSpeedCurve
jp .search
ld hl, sMYCOSpeedCurve
jp .search
; HL = Speed curve table
; BC = Start level
; DE = Speed curve entry size
ld a, [hl+]
cp a, c
jr nz, .notfound
ld a, [hl]
cp a, b
jr nz, .notfound
; Found it!
dec hl
ld a, l
ldh [hStartSpeed], a
ld a, h
ldh [hStartSpeed+1], a
jp RSTRestoreBank
dec hl
add hl, de
ld a, [hl]
cp a, $FF
jr nz, .search
ld [rSpeedCurveState], a
ld [wSpeedCurveState], a
ld hl, sDMGTSpeedCurve
ld a, l
ldh [hStartSpeed], a
ld a, h
ldh [hStartSpeed+1], a
xor a, a
ld [rSelectedStartLevel], a
ld [rSelectedStartLevel+1], a
jp RSTRestoreBank
; Initializes SRAM with default values.
; Set the magic id.
ld a, LOW(__UTC_YEAR__)
ld a, "D"
ld [rCheck], a
ld a, __UTC_MONTH__
ld a, "M"
ld [rCheck+1], a
ld a, __UTC_DAY__
ld a, "G"
ld [rCheck+2], a
ld a, __UTC_HOUR__
ld a, "T"
ld [rCheck+3], a
ld a, __UTC_MINUTE__
ld a, 0
ld [rCheck+4], a
ld a, __UTC_SECOND__
ld a, 0
ld [rCheck+5], a
xor a, a
ld [rLastProfile], a
; Load defaults.
ld a, "P"
ld [rProfileName], a
ld [wProfileName], a
ld a, "R"
ld [rProfileName+1], a
ld [wProfileName+1], a
ld a, "0"
ld [rProfileName+2], a
ld [wProfileName+2], a
ld [rSwapABState], a
ld [wSwapABState], a
@ -121,11 +276,95 @@ InitializeSRAM:
ld hl, sDMGTSpeedCurve
ld a, l
ldh [hStartSpeed], a
ld [rSelectedStartLevel], a
ld a, h
ldh [hStartSpeed+1], a
xor a, a
ld [rSelectedStartLevel], a
ld [rSelectedStartLevel+1], a
; Copy this profile to the other two.
ld hl, rProfileData0
ld de, rProfileData
ld bc, 64
call UnsafeMemCopy
ld hl, rProfileData1
ld de, rProfileData
ld bc, 64
call UnsafeMemCopy
ld hl, rProfileData2
ld de, rProfileData
ld bc, 64
call UnsafeMemCopy
ld a, "1"
ld [rProfileName1+2], a
ld a, "2"
ld [rProfileName2+2], a
; Change to profile number in A.
ld [wTarget], a
ld a, [rLastProfile]
cp a, 0
jr z, .first
cp a, 1
jr z, .second
cp a, 2
jr z, .third
ld hl, rProfileData0
ld de, rProfileData
ld bc, 64
call UnsafeMemCopy
jr .restore
ld hl, rProfileData1
ld de, rProfileData
ld bc, 64
call UnsafeMemCopy
jr .restore
ld hl, rProfileData2
ld de, rProfileData
ld bc, 64
call UnsafeMemCopy
jr .restore
ld a, [wTarget]
ld [rLastProfile], a
cp a, 0
jr z, .lfirst
cp a, 1
jr z, .lsecond
cp a, 2
jr z, .lthird
ld hl, rProfileData
ld de, rProfileData0
ld bc, 64
jp UnsafeMemCopy
ld hl, rProfileData
ld de, rProfileData1
ld bc, 64
jp UnsafeMemCopy
ld hl, rProfileData
ld de, rProfileData2
ld bc, 64
jp UnsafeMemCopy

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ INCLUDE "res/"
SECTION "Title Variables", WRAM0
wSelected:: ds 1
wTitleMode:: ds 1
wProfileName:: ds 3
SECTION "Title Function Trampolines", ROM0
@ -52,6 +53,15 @@ TitleVBlankHandler::
rst RSTRestoreBank
jp EventLoop
rst RSTSwitchBank
ld a, [hl+]
ld [rSelectedStartLevel], a
ld a, [hl]
ld [rSelectedStartLevel+1], a
jp RSTRestoreBank
rst RSTSwitchBank
@ -584,7 +594,7 @@ TitleVBlankHandlerB:
; PROFILE name.
ld de, sDisabled
ld de, wProfileName
ld bc, 3
call UnsafeMemCopy
@ -1051,10 +1061,9 @@ DecrementLevel:
add hl, bc
ld a, l
ldh [hStartSpeed], a
ld [rSelectedStartLevel], a
ld a, h
ldh [hStartSpeed+1], a
ld [rSelectedStartLevel+1], a
call PersistLevel
jp CheckLevelRange
@ -1069,10 +1078,9 @@ IncrementLevel:
add hl, bc
ld a, l
ldh [hStartSpeed], a
ld [rSelectedStartLevel], a
ld a, h
ldh [hStartSpeed+1], a
ld [rSelectedStartLevel+1], a
call PersistLevel
jp CheckLevelRange
@ -1082,11 +1090,9 @@ InitSpeedCurve:
call GetStart
ld a, l
ldh [hStartSpeed], a
ld [rSelectedStartLevel], a
ld a, h
ldh [hStartSpeed+1], a
ld [rSelectedStartLevel+1], a
jp PersistLevel
; Gets the end of a speed curve.
@ -1163,11 +1169,10 @@ CheckLevelRange:
jr nz, .notatend
call GetStart
ld a, l
ld [rSelectedStartLevel], a
ldh [hStartSpeed], a
ld a, h
ld [rSelectedStartLevel+1], a
ldh [hStartSpeed+1], a
call PersistLevel
@ -1186,11 +1191,10 @@ CheckLevelRange:
ld l, c
add hl, de
ld a, l
ld [rSelectedStartLevel], a
ldh [hStartSpeed], a
ld a, h
ld [rSelectedStartLevel+1], a
ldh [hStartSpeed+1], a
call PersistLevel