Oopsie on SHIR grades.

This commit is contained in:
Randy Thiemann 2023-11-02 19:24:28 +01:00
parent 2063d0c5d1
commit 70eb2a4b6e
5 changed files with 198 additions and 197 deletions

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ ROM0 bank #0:
$1fcf = !3 $1fcf = !3
$1fe0 = !4 $1fe0 = !4
$1fed = DoSpeedUp $1fed = DoSpeedUp
SECTION: $202e-$21a2 ($0175 bytes) ["Grading Functions"] SECTION: $202e-$21a3 ($0176 bytes) ["Grading Functions"]
$202e = GradeInit $202e = GradeInit
$204f = GradeInit.notdeat $204f = GradeInit.notdeat
$205d = GradeInit.notshir $205d = GradeInit.notshir
@ -259,113 +259,113 @@ ROM0 bank #0:
$2119 = UpdateGradeDEAT.notm $2119 = UpdateGradeDEAT.notm
$2139 = UpdateGradeDEAT.disqualify $2139 = UpdateGradeDEAT.disqualify
$213f = UpdateGradeSHIR $213f = UpdateGradeSHIR
$217e = UpdateGradeSHIR.s5torikan $217f = UpdateGradeSHIR.s5torikan
$218e = UpdateGradeSHIR.s10torikan $218f = UpdateGradeSHIR.s10torikan
$219d = UpdateGradeSHIR.disqualify $219e = UpdateGradeSHIR.disqualify
SECTION: $21a3-$22a4 ($0102 bytes) ["Grading Data"] SECTION: $21a4-$22a5 ($0102 bytes) ["Grading Data"]
$21a3 = sTGM1GradeScores $21a4 = sTGM1GradeScores
$21c5 = sTGM3InternalGradeSystem $21c6 = sTGM3InternalGradeSystem
$2265 = sTGM3GradeBoosts $2266 = sTGM3GradeBoosts
$2284 = sTGM3LevelMultiplier $2285 = sTGM3LevelMultiplier
$2288 = sTGM3BaselineCOOL $2289 = sTGM3BaselineCOOL
$2291 = sTGM3REGRETConditions $2292 = sTGM3REGRETConditions
SECTION: $22a5-$2371 ($00cd bytes) ["Input Functions"] SECTION: $22a6-$2372 ($00cd bytes) ["Input Functions"]
$22a5 = InputInit $22a6 = InputInit
$22b7 = GetInput $22b8 = GetInput
$22b7 = GetInput.btns $22b8 = GetInput.btns
$22c4 = GetInput.readA $22c5 = GetInput.readA
$22c8 = GetInput.setA $22c9 = GetInput.setA
$22d3 = GetInput.clearA $22d4 = GetInput.clearA
$22d6 = GetInput.readB $22d7 = GetInput.readB
$22da = GetInput.setB $22db = GetInput.setB
$22e5 = GetInput.clearB $22e6 = GetInput.clearB
$22e8 = GetInput.readSelect $22e9 = GetInput.readSelect
$22ec = GetInput.setSelect $22ed = GetInput.setSelect
$22f7 = GetInput.clearSelect $22f8 = GetInput.clearSelect
$22fa = GetInput.readStart $22fb = GetInput.readStart
$22fe = GetInput.setStart $22ff = GetInput.setStart
$2309 = GetInput.clearStart $230a = GetInput.clearStart
$230c = GetInput.dpad $230d = GetInput.dpad
$2319 = GetInput.readUp $231a = GetInput.readUp
$231d = GetInput.setUp $231e = GetInput.setUp
$2328 = GetInput.clearUp $2329 = GetInput.clearUp
$232b = GetInput.readDown $232c = GetInput.readDown
$232f = GetInput.setDown $2330 = GetInput.setDown
$233a = GetInput.clearDown $233b = GetInput.clearDown
$233d = GetInput.readLeft $233e = GetInput.readLeft
$2341 = GetInput.setLeft $2342 = GetInput.setLeft
$234c = GetInput.clearLeft $234d = GetInput.clearLeft
$234f = GetInput.readRight $2350 = GetInput.readRight
$2353 = GetInput.setRight $2354 = GetInput.setRight
$235e = GetInput.clearRight $235f = GetInput.clearRight
$2361 = GetInput.priorities $2362 = GetInput.priorities
$236c = GetInput.zero $236d = GetInput.zero
SECTION: $2372-$243d ($00cc bytes) ["Score Functions"] SECTION: $2373-$243e ($00cc bytes) ["Score Functions"]
$2372 = ScoreInit $2373 = ScoreInit
$2392 = IncreaseScore $2393 = IncreaseScore
$23c6 = IncreaseScore.doConvert $23c7 = IncreaseScore.doConvert
$23c8 = !0 $23c9 = !0
$23de = IncreaseScore.carry $23df = IncreaseScore.carry
$23e0 = IncreaseScore.postConvert $23e1 = IncreaseScore.postConvert
$23ed = !1 $23ee = !1
$23f4 = IncreaseScore.preAddDigit $23f5 = IncreaseScore.preAddDigit
$2414 = IncreaseScore.addDigit $2415 = IncreaseScore.addDigit
$242a = IncreaseScore.nextDigit $242b = IncreaseScore.nextDigit
SECTION: $243e-$24f4 ($00b7 bytes) ["SRAM Functions"] SECTION: $243f-$24f5 ($00b7 bytes) ["SRAM Functions"]
$243e = RestoreSRAM $243f = RestoreSRAM
$2497 = InitializeSRAM $2498 = InitializeSRAM
SECTION: $24f5-$2598 ($00a4 bytes) ["Code Entry Point"] SECTION: $24f6-$2599 ($00a4 bytes) ["Code Entry Point"]
$24f5 = Main $24f6 = Main
$250a = Main.wvr_u1 $250b = Main.wvr_u1
$2513 = !0 $2514 = !0
$2523 = Main.notgbc $2524 = Main.notgbc
$2552 = Main.wvb_u2 $2553 = Main.wvb_u2
$2557 = !1 $2558 = !1
$255d = EventLoop $255e = EventLoop
$2573 = EventLoop.eventloopjumps $2574 = EventLoop.eventloopjumps
$257c = EventLoopPostHandler $257d = EventLoopPostHandler
$257e = EventLoopPostHandler.wvb_u3 $257f = EventLoopPostHandler.wvb_u3
$2590 = EventLoopPostHandler.vblankjumps $2591 = EventLoopPostHandler.vblankjumps
SECTION: $2599-$2606 ($006e bytes) ["Title Function Trampolines"] SECTION: $259a-$2607 ($006e bytes) ["Title Function Trampolines"]
$2599 = SwitchToTitle $259a = SwitchToTitle
$25a3 = TitleEventLoopHandler $25a4 = TitleEventLoopHandler
$25ad = TitleVBlankHandler $25ae = TitleVBlankHandler
$25b7 = DrawOption6 $25b8 = DrawOption6
SECTION: $2607-$266f ($0069 bytes) ["Time Functions"] SECTION: $2608-$2670 ($0069 bytes) ["Time Functions"]
$2607 = TimeInit $2608 = TimeInit
$261c = ResetGameTime $261d = ResetGameTime
$2627 = CheckTorikan $2628 = CheckTorikan
$263e = CheckTorikan.failure $263f = CheckTorikan.failure
$2640 = CheckTorikan.success $2641 = CheckTorikan.success
$2643 = HandleTimers $2644 = HandleTimers
SECTION: $2670-$26c1 ($0052 bytes) ["Tile Functions"] SECTION: $2671-$26c2 ($0052 bytes) ["Tile Functions"]
$2670 = LoadTitleTiles $2671 = LoadTitleTiles
$268e = LoadGameplayTiles $268f = LoadGameplayTiles
$26a4 = LoadGameplayTiles.gbc $26a5 = LoadGameplayTiles.gbc
$26b3 = LoadGameplayTiles.dmg $26b4 = LoadGameplayTiles.dmg
SECTION: $26c2-$26ef ($002e bytes) ["Memory Functions"] SECTION: $26c3-$26f0 ($002e bytes) ["Memory Functions"]
$26c2 = UnsafeMemCopy $26c3 = UnsafeMemCopy
$26cb = SafeMemCopy.wvr_u1 $26cc = SafeMemCopy.wvr_u1
$26cb = SafeMemCopy $26cc = SafeMemCopy
$26da = UnsafeMemSet $26db = UnsafeMemSet
$26e2 = SafeMemSet $26e3 = SafeMemSet
$26e2 = SafeMemSet.wvr_u2 $26e3 = SafeMemSet.wvr_u2
SECTION: $26f0-$2717 ($0028 bytes) ["Gameplay Function Trampolines"] SECTION: $26f1-$2718 ($0028 bytes) ["Gameplay Function Trampolines"]
$26f0 = SwitchToGameplay $26f1 = SwitchToGameplay
$26fa = SwitchToGameplayBig $26fb = SwitchToGameplayBig
$2704 = GamePlayEventLoopHandler $2705 = GamePlayEventLoopHandler
$270e = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandler $270f = GamePlayBigEventLoopHandler
SECTION: $2718-$2739 ($0022 bytes) ["OAM Functions"] SECTION: $2719-$273a ($0022 bytes) ["OAM Functions"]
$2718 = CopyOAMHandler $2719 = CopyOAMHandler
$2724 = ClearOAM $2725 = ClearOAM
SECTION: $273a-$2752 ($0019 bytes) ["Interrupt Initialization Functions"] SECTION: $273b-$2753 ($0019 bytes) ["Interrupt Initialization Functions"]
$273a = IntrInit $273b = IntrInit
$273e = InitializeLCDCInterrupt $273f = InitializeLCDCInterrupt
SECTION: $2753-$275c ($000a bytes) ["OAM DMA Code"] SECTION: $2754-$275d ($000a bytes) ["OAM DMA Code"]
$2753 = OAMDMA $2754 = OAMDMA
$275d = OAMDMAEnd $275e = OAMDMAEnd
EMPTY: $275d-$3fff ($18a3 bytes) EMPTY: $275e-$3fff ($18a2 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $18ae bytes TOTAL EMPTY: $18ad bytes
ROMX bank #1: ROMX bank #1:
SECTION: $4000-$4007 ($0008 bytes) ["Bank ID BANK_OTHER"] SECTION: $4000-$4007 ($0008 bytes) ["Bank ID BANK_OTHER"]
@ -2368,7 +2368,7 @@ HRAM bank #0:
TOTAL EMPTY: $0006 bytes TOTAL EMPTY: $0006 bytes
ROM0: 10066 bytes used / 6318 free ROM0: 10067 bytes used / 6317 free
ROMX: 56500 bytes used / 41804 free in 6 banks ROMX: 56500 bytes used / 41804 free in 6 banks
SRAM: 14 bytes used / 8178 free in 1 bank SRAM: 14 bytes used / 8178 free in 1 bank
WRAM0: 3494 bytes used / 602 free WRAM0: 3494 bytes used / 602 free

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -167,94 +167,94 @@
00:2119 UpdateGradeDEAT.notm 00:2119 UpdateGradeDEAT.notm
00:2139 UpdateGradeDEAT.disqualify 00:2139 UpdateGradeDEAT.disqualify
00:213f UpdateGradeSHIR 00:213f UpdateGradeSHIR
00:217e UpdateGradeSHIR.s5torikan 00:217f UpdateGradeSHIR.s5torikan
00:218e UpdateGradeSHIR.s10torikan 00:218f UpdateGradeSHIR.s10torikan
00:219d UpdateGradeSHIR.disqualify 00:219e UpdateGradeSHIR.disqualify
00:21a3 sTGM1GradeScores 00:21a4 sTGM1GradeScores
00:21c5 sTGM3InternalGradeSystem 00:21c6 sTGM3InternalGradeSystem
00:2265 sTGM3GradeBoosts 00:2266 sTGM3GradeBoosts
00:2284 sTGM3LevelMultiplier 00:2285 sTGM3LevelMultiplier
00:2288 sTGM3BaselineCOOL 00:2289 sTGM3BaselineCOOL
00:2291 sTGM3REGRETConditions 00:2292 sTGM3REGRETConditions
00:22a5 InputInit 00:22a6 InputInit
00:22b7 GetInput 00:22b8 GetInput
00:22b7 GetInput.btns 00:22b8 GetInput.btns
00:22c4 GetInput.readA 00:22c5 GetInput.readA
00:22c8 GetInput.setA 00:22c9 GetInput.setA
00:22d3 GetInput.clearA 00:22d4 GetInput.clearA
00:22d6 GetInput.readB 00:22d7 GetInput.readB
00:22da GetInput.setB 00:22db GetInput.setB
00:22e5 GetInput.clearB 00:22e6 GetInput.clearB
00:22e8 GetInput.readSelect 00:22e9 GetInput.readSelect
00:22ec GetInput.setSelect 00:22ed GetInput.setSelect
00:22f7 GetInput.clearSelect 00:22f8 GetInput.clearSelect
00:22fa GetInput.readStart 00:22fb GetInput.readStart
00:22fe GetInput.setStart 00:22ff GetInput.setStart
00:2309 GetInput.clearStart 00:230a GetInput.clearStart
00:230c GetInput.dpad 00:230d GetInput.dpad
00:2319 GetInput.readUp 00:231a GetInput.readUp
00:231d GetInput.setUp 00:231e GetInput.setUp
00:2328 GetInput.clearUp 00:2329 GetInput.clearUp
00:232b GetInput.readDown 00:232c GetInput.readDown
00:232f GetInput.setDown 00:2330 GetInput.setDown
00:233a GetInput.clearDown 00:233b GetInput.clearDown
00:233d GetInput.readLeft 00:233e GetInput.readLeft
00:2341 GetInput.setLeft 00:2342 GetInput.setLeft
00:234c GetInput.clearLeft 00:234d GetInput.clearLeft
00:234f GetInput.readRight 00:2350 GetInput.readRight
00:2353 GetInput.setRight 00:2354 GetInput.setRight
00:235e GetInput.clearRight 00:235f GetInput.clearRight
00:2361 GetInput.priorities 00:2362 GetInput.priorities
00:236c GetInput.zero 00:236d GetInput.zero
00:2372 ScoreInit 00:2373 ScoreInit
00:2392 IncreaseScore 00:2393 IncreaseScore
00:23c6 IncreaseScore.doConvert 00:23c7 IncreaseScore.doConvert
00:23de IncreaseScore.carry 00:23df IncreaseScore.carry
00:23e0 IncreaseScore.postConvert 00:23e1 IncreaseScore.postConvert
00:23f4 IncreaseScore.preAddDigit 00:23f5 IncreaseScore.preAddDigit
00:2414 IncreaseScore.addDigit 00:2415 IncreaseScore.addDigit
00:242a IncreaseScore.nextDigit 00:242b IncreaseScore.nextDigit
00:243e RestoreSRAM 00:243f RestoreSRAM
00:2497 InitializeSRAM 00:2498 InitializeSRAM
00:24f5 Main 00:24f6 Main
00:250a Main.wvr_u1 00:250b Main.wvr_u1
00:2523 Main.notgbc 00:2524 Main.notgbc
00:2552 Main.wvb_u2 00:2553 Main.wvb_u2
00:255d EventLoop 00:255e EventLoop
00:2573 EventLoop.eventloopjumps 00:2574 EventLoop.eventloopjumps
00:257c EventLoopPostHandler 00:257d EventLoopPostHandler
00:257e EventLoopPostHandler.wvb_u3 00:257f EventLoopPostHandler.wvb_u3
00:2590 EventLoopPostHandler.vblankjumps 00:2591 EventLoopPostHandler.vblankjumps
00:2599 SwitchToTitle 00:259a SwitchToTitle
00:25a3 TitleEventLoopHandler 00:25a4 TitleEventLoopHandler
00:25ad TitleVBlankHandler 00:25ae TitleVBlankHandler
00:25b7 DrawOption6 00:25b8 DrawOption6
00:2607 TimeInit 00:2608 TimeInit
00:261c ResetGameTime 00:261d ResetGameTime
00:2627 CheckTorikan 00:2628 CheckTorikan
00:263e CheckTorikan.failure 00:263f CheckTorikan.failure
00:2640 CheckTorikan.success 00:2641 CheckTorikan.success
00:2643 HandleTimers 00:2644 HandleTimers
00:2670 LoadTitleTiles 00:2671 LoadTitleTiles
00:268e LoadGameplayTiles 00:268f LoadGameplayTiles
00:26a4 LoadGameplayTiles.gbc 00:26a5 LoadGameplayTiles.gbc
00:26b3 LoadGameplayTiles.dmg 00:26b4 LoadGameplayTiles.dmg
00:26c2 UnsafeMemCopy 00:26c3 UnsafeMemCopy
00:26cb SafeMemCopy.wvr_u1 00:26cc SafeMemCopy.wvr_u1
00:26cb SafeMemCopy 00:26cc SafeMemCopy
00:26da UnsafeMemSet 00:26db UnsafeMemSet
00:26e2 SafeMemSet 00:26e3 SafeMemSet
00:26e2 SafeMemSet.wvr_u2 00:26e3 SafeMemSet.wvr_u2
00:26f0 SwitchToGameplay 00:26f1 SwitchToGameplay
00:26fa SwitchToGameplayBig 00:26fb SwitchToGameplayBig
00:2704 GamePlayEventLoopHandler 00:2705 GamePlayEventLoopHandler
00:270e GamePlayBigEventLoopHandler 00:270f GamePlayBigEventLoopHandler
00:2718 CopyOAMHandler 00:2719 CopyOAMHandler
00:2724 ClearOAM 00:2725 ClearOAM
00:273a IntrInit 00:273b IntrInit
00:273e InitializeLCDCInterrupt 00:273f InitializeLCDCInterrupt
00:2753 OAMDMA 00:2754 OAMDMA
00:275d OAMDMAEnd 00:275e OAMDMAEnd
01:4008 sDMGTSpeedCurve 01:4008 sDMGTSpeedCurve
01:4210 sDMGTSpeedCurveEnd 01:4210 sDMGTSpeedCurveEnd
01:4212 sTGM1SpeedCurve 01:4212 sTGM1SpeedCurve

View File

@ -439,6 +439,7 @@ UpdateGradeSHIR:
ld a, [wDisplayedGrade] ld a, [wDisplayedGrade]
cp a, b cp a, b
ret z ; If the grade is already correct, return. ret z ; If the grade is already correct, return.
ld a, b
ld [wDisplayedGrade], a ; Otherwise, set the grade. ld [wDisplayedGrade], a ; Otherwise, set the grade.
; Play the jingle. ; Play the jingle.